Monday, November 10, 2014

21 Before 21: Being Blessed

As most of you know, I started a 21 Before 21: Twenty One Acts of Kindness challenge.

I was inspired by an article I read over the summer of a boy who went on a random acts of kindness roadtrip, completing over 100 acts along the way. I wanted to do something similar. So I've made lists of what I could do, bought supplies, set dates, made appointments, and began prepping. I've even completed a couple of them.

I have until December 21st, which is my 21st birthday.

Since beginning this challenge, I have received SO many blessings.

After letting Tori borrow my car for a quick errand, she returned with my gas tank FULL. If that's not a blessing, what is?

During all of my sick days recently, Nick has made the time to come visit me, bringing me coffee and snacks. He has given up parts of his busy day to watch movies with me and make sure I'm feeling better.

Natalie is so talented in the kitchen. Before I even roll out of bed, she is asking me what I want for breakfast, telling me that the coffee is ready.

My babysitting jobs are increasing - one parent threw in extra money because it was "late at night". It was only midnight! But I'll take it!

Strangers will compliment me, open doors for me. Cashiers will wish me a good day, not charge me extra for my soy milk in my latte.

Blessings upon blessings.

Maybe things have always been like this. Maybe my eyes are just being opened to the blessings all around me. Look around you. How have you been blessed today?


  1. Hi there! Visiting from the Peony Project. It sounds like you have definitely been blessed. Thanks for the reminder to actively look for ways to be kind to people. :)

  2. Love the project you are doing! Blessings are all around but it's only when we open our eyes that we see them! Sounds like you are surrounded by amazing people, places, and, things that are magnifying those blessings you may have missed before!

  3. This is such a wonderful challenge you have set for yourself - by giving yourself to others. What a inspiration to many. And yes, blessings come 10 fold when you give yourself to service!!
    Neive xo

  4. I love you Jessica!! You're such a blessing to me and have made my life so lovely. I am honored, blessed, and overjoyed to be your roommate (even when we forget to take out the trash and dishes pile up). Life with you is super sweet and I am glad that I've found a best friend in you!
